If all rumors are true, this annual WWDC will be the landmark event both for Apple and its users. Apple is said to release the major changes they have done to iPhone 5’s desktop and mobile OS that may bridge the gap closer between Macs and iPhone or iPad and connect everything with each other.
It is therefore not surprising that the WWDC event sold out 5,000 tickets within 10 hours from being placed on sale last March 29, 2011 regardless of the ticket price of around $1,600 which remained the same as with the 2010 WWDC.
It was confirmed that Apple will unveil the following changes in iPhone 5
“Lion” Roars
The next-gen software Lion is indeed part of the eight major release of Mac OS X. It is Apple’s desktop and server OS for Macintosh computers. It is expected that this release will feature several developments made in Apple’s iOS. However, the displays of installed applications on this new software are easy to navigate. It will also include support for the Mac App Store.
iOS 5
Apple is going to release iOS 5 which is the successor of Apple’s advanced mobile operating system that powers the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. According to TechCrunch, the iOS 5 has undergone a major face lift in its notification system as well as widgets. Whether or not OTA is included, only Apple knows.
iCloud Connection
Another revelation to be made at WWDC is the iCloud which is the upcoming cloud services offering. Rumor has it that Apple had a hard time getting licensing deals with large music companies for the iCloud service. The service is said to automatically replace songs with low quality with better versions.
Are you ready to rumble with the new and exciting revelations from Apple about its upcoming iPhone 5?
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