Many of us wonder what the iPhone 5 will be – whether it is a superfast mobile internet or whether its specs can exceed our expectations. Well, who knows but Apple Inc?

For now, let’s look at the 3 major things you need to know about iPhone 5 and you be the judge whether iPhone 5 is worth checking out or worth throwing on the bin – you decide!
1. Release Date
Everybody would love to know when the exact release date of the iPhone 5. In fact, we are itching so much that we raid the internet with the latest news whether Apple has given an exact timeframe of the iPhone 5’s release date.
The Apple WWDC 2011 is going to be held on June 6, 2011 and it is fast approaching. Will we be able to hear Apple talk about the release date of their next generation iPhone? Analysts don’t think they will – why? It is because the WWDC was intended solely to address any issues about their existing platform – which is why they called it “Developers Conference.” The result of the conference will lead to revisions to improve their software to ensure consumer satisfaction.
Many people think that Apple will release the next generation iPhone according to their established rhythm but some resources say that due to the fact that Apple pushed the release of white iPhone 4 late in April will negate to the usual release pattern.
Various sources apparently have different release dates which will add much to our confusion.
2. iPhone 5’s Design
Here is the crunchy part since most of us are always particular with our phone’s design. Engadget defined the design of iPhone 5 as a “total rethink” although from their standpoint they don’t have much detail about the design of the new phone just yet – who does? So, if tech junkies across the web don’t have any idea about what the phone will look like, why would we?
But according to rumors going around, the new iPhone will not be a total refresh from the released iPhones. Of course, it is safe to assume that there will be minor cosmetic changes as it always is on newer versions of the same phone.
Some say there will be a curved, large screen and will showcase a 4-inch display. Some resources will say that the iPhone will get rid of the glass back and opt for a metal back instead to act as the new antenna. The list could go on and on and as much as we would like to get everything in one page this will be a total bomb for people who don’t like to read long posts.
Last but not the least…
3. iPhone 5 Specs
This is what tech people usually love to discuss – the specs! To start with, iPhone is rumored to have the Qualcomm chipsets – which will replace the existing Infineon chipsets installed in iPhone 4.
We could also expect some major bumps on the iPhone 5 specs such as more memory, superfast processor and improved storage capacity. We all would love our phone to keep up with our fast-paced life, wouldn’t we?
Well, the rumored specs go something like this –
•New antenna
•Possibly dual-core 1.2 GHz processor
•Larger screen with 3.7” although some says it would be 4-inch screen
•Curved glass screen
•Multi-core to improve iPhone performance and battery life
•Big boost to its graphical qualities as it leans towards a better dual-core GPU
•1080p output
•A5 chip for better functionality and support the dual-core power
There is nothing exclusive about the iPhone 5 anymore as consumers, owners of iPhone 4 and other people gather in the realm of Apple iPhone with it raging excitingly across countries raising curiosity – we’d almost die of anticipation.
Still, rumors are something we’d like to know despite and in spite their low accuracy levels. Just like celebrity gossips – being a die-hard fan of Apple’s iPhone will make you wonder about what the next generation iPhone will look like – whether or not you plan to buy!
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