
Monday, August 22, 2011

Paintown 3.5 – Added Batman and Peter Griffin

The latest update of Paintown has been released by lunuxx. This version 3.5 will come with two new characters, Batman and Peter Griffin. For the next version release, there is plans to fix Mugen Mode and Add Network Play. Below is also a move list for these two new characters. Try them out and let us know how they are. Leave your comments on this latest version please.

latest update –offical 3.5 status–:

mp3/ogg fixed (add your own custom must to /dev_hdd0/game/Paintown_/USRDIR/data/music/ change main menu music by editing /dev_hdd0/game/Paintown/USRDIR/data/menu/main.txt), more states implemented in adventure mode, support for multiple hit boxes in same frame, editor majorly updated.

New character Terry by marcus95, I’ve added Batman and Peter Griffin to adventure mode if anyone would like to work on them further feel free too.

Moves list for peter and batman:


* elbow = square

* LPtoHP = down+square (repeatedly) will preform a crushing low punch and a killing uppercut

* MP = square after preforming elbow

* HP = square after preforming MP

* hardHP = X

* uppercut = forward+X after preforming hardHP

* grapple-up = up+square

* kick = circle

* kick 2(punch and kick) = circle after preforming kick

* kick 3 = forward, forward, circle

Peter Griffin:

* punch = square

* HP = square after preforming punch

* pound = square after preforming HP

* fart fireball = down+square

* froggy = forward+square after preforming HP

* uppercut = X

* puke = forward, forward, X

* WTF?? = square+X

Download Paintown v3.5

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