
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Importance of the Damas Dress

In the American tradition, lots of young ladies have a sweet sixteen celebration. It is frequently a huge celebration with dancing, live music, and birthday presents. It is a Hispanic tradition to have a big party the previous year when a girl is 15, which is known as a Quinceañera. The word Quinceañera is the title given to the 15 year old girl and also the sweet 15 party itself. Fourteen girls, known as damas, and 15 boys, known as chambelanes, along with the Quinceañera make up the Quinceañera's court. One chambelane is the Quinceañera's date, while the remaining chambelanes are put together with the damas, adding up to 15 couples. Of course, the damas need dresses.

Although it has to be pretty and sweeping, a damas dress should be uncomplicated. The damas dress is significant because they want to look as good as they can for their friend's big party, but the damas dress should not look as good as the sweet 15 dress the Quinceañera has on. It would be seen as bad taste. Damas dresses are so pretty and attractive on their own, letting the damas' curves be seen, but being a little loose also. These dresses are commonly sewed with silk and satin cloth and available in various amazing colors and designs.

Dancing is one of the most important things of the night. The damas who are part of the Quinceañera’s court will take part in a court waltz and a "surprise" dance also. They dance with their chambelane and friends during the night. This is why the gown should be beautiful, but the material should flow well with a young female's shape allowing her to move around the dance floor all evening.

Besides being elegant but practical, damas dresses are an extremely pivotal item for a sweet 15 birthday party. The damas dress ought to be unrestrictive and sensible enough to comfortably dance in, yet remain chic and attractive. The color should be dynamic and impressive, but it should not outshine the Quinceañera’s sweet 15 dress. Damas dresses normally start at $70, but can cost over $200.

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