
Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to play Pokemon Black or White on R4i clones (ak2i, R4i Gold, R4i sdhc)

This uses the original YSmenu, a YSmenu DLDI patching program, DSTT firmware and some R4 dldi patches.  It is about how to play B/W on R4i clone carts
Please Note that I recommend you back up your SD card before doing this tutorial
1.  Download my pokemon B/W tools, my Pokemon B/W patches and my Pokemon B/W firmware files from the download links provided.
2.  On your desktop, create a folder called ‘YSmenu’ and a folder called ‘DLDI Patcher’ inside that
3.  Extract all the downloaded files to your desktop
4.  Go into the folder called ‘Firmware files’ and then into the folder ‘YS MENU Japanese’.
5.  Drag all the files in that folder to the folder you created called ‘YSmenu’
5.  Of those files you just dragged across, find the one called ‘YSMenu.nds’
6.  Drag it into the folder you called ‘DLDI Patcher’
7.  Go into the folder called ‘Tools’, then into the folder called ‘YSmenu DLDI’
8.  Copy those files from that folder to the folder you created called ‘DLDI Patcher’ (where you copied the ‘YSMenu.nds’)
9.  Once the files have copied over, go to your desktop and go into the folder called ‘Patches’
10.  Then find the file called ‘r4tf.dldi’.  Copy that over to the same folder as the patcher and the ‘YSMenu.nds’
8.  Back in the ‘DLDI Patcher’ folder that you made, run the program called ‘dlditool32.exe’, then where it says ‘DLDI File:’ click the ‘…’ button
9.  Locate the folder in which the .dldi file is located (in the ‘DLDI Patcher’ folder that you made)
10.  Where it says ‘Binaries:’ click the ‘…’ button
11.  Locate the file called ‘YSMenu.nds’ (it should be in the ‘DLDI Patcher’ folder you made)
12.  Once that  is done, click button that says ‘Patch’
13.  In the ‘Output:’ section, it should says something like this:
Old driver:          R4(DS) – Revolution for DS
New driver:          R4(DS) – Revolution for DS
Position in file:    0x0002CEB0
Position in memory:  0x0202D100
Patch base address:  0xBF800000
Relocation offset:   0x4282D100
Patched successfully
14.  Then drag the ‘YSMenu.nds’ that you just patched out of the ‘DLDI Patcher’ folder and into the folder called ‘YSmenu’
15.  Delete the file called ‘akextract.exe’, you do not need it
16.  Go into the folder called ‘Firmware Files’ and then into the folder called ‘DSTT Firmware’.  Copy all the files in there into the ‘YSmenu’ folder you made
17.  Once that has copied, run the program called ‘ttextract.exe’
18.  Exit the program once it is done.  There should be two new files there now.  They are ‘ttdldi.dat’, ‘ttpatch.dat’
19.  Delete ‘ttextract.exe’ now, it has done it’s part
20.  Right click on the file called ‘YSMenu.ini’ and select ‘open with’
21.  Then click ‘Notepad’ and tick the box saying ‘always use the selected program to open this kind of file’
22.  Then in the notepad window, on the fourth line down, it sould say ‘LITERALS=LITERALS_JPN’.  Delete that line.
23.  Bring the fifth line up so it is directly below the third line, like this:
; YSMENU Setting File
; Section Name of Literals
24.  Delete the semi-colan in front of the line saying ‘;LITERALS=LITERALS_ENG’, so it now says ‘LITERALS=LITERALS_ENG’
25.  The first five lines should now look like this:
Code: [Select]
; YSMENU Setting File
; Section Name of Literals
26.  Save the file and exit it
27.  On your desktop, go into the folder called ‘Tools’.  Then go into the folder called ‘R4 crypt’
28.  Open a new notepad and paste in the following:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo ---------------------
echo Action Menu
echo ---------------------
echo [1] Decrypt Firmware
echo [2] Encrypt Firmware
echo [3] Decrypt Cheats
echo [4] Encrypt Cheats
echo [5] Close
echo ---------------------
set INPUT=
Set /P INPUT= Action:
29:  Save the file in the ‘R4 crypt’ folder.  In the drop down box under the name, select ‘All Files’.  Then name the file ‘GUI.bat’
30.  In the ‘R4 crypt’ folder, there should now be a new batch file (MS-DOS file)
31.  Drag the ‘YSMenu.nds’ file from the ‘YSmenu’ folder you made into the ‘R4 crypt’ folder
32.  Run the file called ‘GUI.bat’.  Then type ’2′ and press enter (If the program crashes, then try again.  If the crashes continue, the try typing in [2] and pressing enter)
33.  There will be a new file called ‘_DS_MENU.DAT’.  Drag that file and ‘YSMenu.nds’ back to the ‘YSmenu’ folder
34.  Then go to your desktop and go into the folder called ‘Patches’.  There should be a file called ’13249-r4patch.dat’.  Rename it to ‘r4patch.dat’ then drag it to the ‘YSmenu folder’ with all the other stuff in it
36.  Delete the ‘DLDI Patcher’ folder (or move it to another place).  Drag all the remaining files in the ‘YSmenu’ folder to the root of your clone cart (overwrite any files it asks files)
37.  Run it on your cart and try to run pokemon B/W.  If it does not work, run ‘YSMenu.nds’ and then try to run the game.  It should now work.
38.  You now have YSmenu on your clone cart and are able to play pokemon B/W!
if “%input%” ==”" goto menu
if “%input%” ==”1″ goto decryptf
if “%input%” ==”2″ goto encryptf
if “%input%” ==”3″ goto decryptc
if “%input%” ==”4″ goto encryptc
if “%input%” ==”5″ goto close
r4crypt.exe -d _DS_MENU.DAT OUTPUT.DAT
goto close
r4crypt.exe -e YSMenu.nds _DS_MENU.DAT
goto close
goto close
goto close
Relates search:
How to play pokemon B/W on TTDS
How to fix white screen when starting up game on R4:
How to translate pokemon B/W on Mac OS X
How to Patch Pokemon Black and White
How to fix the saving problem in No$gba
How to fix general freezing in Pokemon Black or White

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